Jenna and Ivan are the pround parents of a son - Jacob "Jake" James - born today around 3pm their time. 7 lbs. 15 ozs. and 20 1/2 inches. He arrived about 3 days ahead of schedule to Jenna's relief. Rita arrived a few days ago so they have a Grandma there to help with Allison. We have a photo on our cell phone - he looks beautiful and calm (I think he was sleeping).
I'm sure Ivan and Jenna will post photos soon!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Singing the National Anthem
Today was a real highlight for to sing the National Anthem with 3 other women at the Braves spring training game at Disney. In front of about 5,000 people - we were all SO nervous. I can speak in front of a crowd, dance in front of a crowd.....but this really scared me. With the 4-part harmony, I was alone on my part and really feared flubbing the notes.
It was a gorgeous day - mom and Maris were there to cheer us on. Tanya, Courtney, and Gail are friends from choir (all 1st altos) and of us work at Disney. Ths was Courtney's idea - on her "bucket list". She works in marketing for Sports so had an "in" for us to by-pass the audition process.
Our biggest fear was hearing our voices 1 second late in the big stadium. Fortunately, that wasn't as noticeable as we were told...and it turned out great. Complete with fireworks on "the rockets red glare" Disney!!
Once we were finished...big sigh of relief and then enjoyed the game - hot dogs, peanuts, and ice cream on the way out!!!Bowl-a-thon
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Maris and Ilga's Birthdays
Had a lovely celebration for Ilga turning 88 and Maris hitting the big 66 --- can you believe it? We kind of pinch ourselves sometimes. Just don't feel as old as we are. Karington is 9 weeks old and she is filling out and starting to smile now....cute!
It was a gorgeous day on the porch - sunny and warm.And of course a big, yummy meal - pot roast, salad, and of course - cake!
Maris comment - "Great day, but I wish all the kids could have been here." We appreciate they all need to move on, but boy, do we miss them especially on days like this.
Four generations....Ilga - 88, Maris 66, Kristin 26, and Karington 9 weeks.
Look....she's smiling!!It was a gorgeous day on the porch - sunny and warm.
Maris comment - "Great day, but I wish all the kids could have been here." We appreciate they all need to move on, but boy, do we miss them especially on days like this.
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