Thursday, April 30, 2009

Visit to Utah to meet Jake

I had a wonderful time in Utah for a week visiting with Ivan, Jenna, Allison and Jake! He is a beautiful (make that handsome) version of denying they are related. He's a month old now and starting to figure out that sleeping is a good thing (at least it is for his parents). Ivan is making excellent progress on their "new" house - with new paint new walls, new floors, new layout in the kitchen, new cabinet finish, new appliances....well, it's practically new! Can't wait for our next visit when they are moved in and it's all finished. Moving day is May 2nd. I loved teaching Allison to say "Granma" and puppy and other words. She's a little sponge at this point. She's also a busy bee....non-stop motion. Even made up a song about it for her! Got to visit where Ivan works (Myriad Genetics) - very lovely up against the mountains. We joined him for lunch outside at a picnic table.
On the final Sunday ... we were all dressed up for church.
Allison loves kissing Jake's head....awwwwww.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

We had a wonderful Easter this year.....lots of singing - Ilga, Ruth, Kristin, Kyle and Karington all came to the 11am service, so we took a quick picture after the service by the pretty flowers on the altar. Little Karington was apparently quite bored by the sermon.....zzzzzzzzz.
Mom zipped home to start our fabulous lunch so she wasn't around for the picture, but she got to enjoy Karington later when she woke up!
Karinton actually liked the bunny - she sucked on it and hugged the basket was a hit!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Palm Sunday

What a busy and special week for us. Dancing and singing A LOT at church. Palm Sunday was Hawaiian themed for the processional again this year.

And also another fun "Hosanna" song....

My favorite service is actually Good Friday - it's dark, and sad, and really moving. Maris sang and I danced for that one last night.

Then for Easter tomorrow - 4 services - the first is at 7:30am....ouch. I am SO not an early morning person....but we'll be there! Kristin, Kyle and Karington will be there too....which makes it so special. (Can't wait to give Karington her first Easter basket).

Grandchildren updates!

Here's our cute new grandson - Jake. According to Jenna, Allison loves kissing his head. Can't wait to meet him!

And Karington is 3 1/2 months old already - rolling over and going to the beach....

Allison is tackling new "eating" (or wearing) her food. Ha!