Saturday, August 29, 2009

Vacation in Utah - August 2009

We are having a wonderful time visiting Jenna, Ivan, Jake and Allison! Their new house is spacious and comfortable. Still a "work in progress", but they have done SO much already. Took a nice easy hike up into the mountains. Allison and Jake both love the out of doors. All the other hikers, their dogs, mountain bikers..... ....but a long hike for little ones! Ha!! They were both sound asleep by the end of the walk.
We had a really nice dinner at a local restaurant - on the patio (no humidity....ahhhhhhhhhhh). The kids could go out on the lawn to run around which let us relax a little longer there.
Fellow hikers, waitresses....everyone is happy to take a group shot for us.
OK....I see A LOT of Jenna in Allison....!!!!

Promise more photos soon (and a few little videos too).

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Babysitting Karington August 9, 2009

Sorry it's been about a month since an update. Last weekend, Maris had a great idea...."hey, why don't we drive over to Tampa and babysit Karington while Kyle and Kristin go out on a date". So we joined us and it was a really nice idea. We got to see her crawling for the first time. At one time she crawled over to Bear's area and picked up a piece of his dog food in her hand....oops.....need to watch the baby!
Apparently Opop and Karington were sharing an inside joke...ha....
She loves to stand up by the coffee table.
She's almost 8 months old....where did the time go?